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Reading Strategies

Reading Strategies

Incorporating a variety of reading strategies greatly enhances comprehension, engagement, and critical thinking skills. Here are several effective reading strategies, that can be used on a rotating basis to increase student engagement: 

Guided reading involves grouping small groups of students to read passages at their instructional level with the support of a teacher. The teacher provides guidance, facilitates discussions, and offers strategies to assist students in comprehending the text. This approach differentiates instruction to meet the needs of individual readers.

teacher reading to small children

Think-alouds are a cognitive strategy where the reader vocalizes thoughts while reading. This technique helps students understand how proficient readers interpret text, monitor comprehension, and apply various strategies to enhance understanding.

Reciprocal teaching involves the collaborative effort of students and the teacher in a dialogue about the text. It includes four main strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying, and summarizing. Students take turns leading discussions using these strategies to deepen comprehension.

SQ3R stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review. This method encourages active engagement with the text by previewing headings and subheadings, formulating questions, reading actively while seeking answers to those questions, summarizing key points, and reviewing material for better retention.

a teacher and student reading together

Visualization involves creating mental images or "mind movies" based on the text being read. Encouraging students to visualize characters, settings, and events can enhance comprehension and make the reading experience more immersive.

Graphic organizers are visual tools that help students organize and represent information from the text. Examples include story maps, Venn diagrams, and cause-and-effect charts. These tools facilitate understanding of relationships, sequencing, and main ideas. 

Chunking involves breaking the text into manageable sections or "chunks" and focusing on one chunk at a time. This strategy helps prevent overload, improves focus, and promotes deeper understanding of the material.

Close reading involves careful and systematic analysis of a text to uncover layers of meaning, identify literary devices, and uncovering the author’s message. This process requires careful reading, interpretation, consideration of the historical and cultural context in which the piece was written. Students engage in multiple readings of the text, annotating key passages, and sharing their interpretations.

teens looking at books together

Jigsaw reading involves dividing a text into sections and assigning each section to a small group of students. After reading and discussing their assigned section, students reconvene to share their findings and piece together the overall meaning of the text.

Think-pair-share is a collaborative strategy in which students individually reflect on a prompt or question related to the text (think), discuss their thoughts with a partner (pair), and then share their ideas with the whole group (share). This encourages active participation and multiple perspectives.

Reader's theatre involves the oral interpretation of a script based on a literary text. Students take on roles, read aloud, and perform the text with expression and fluency. This strategy promotes engagement, fluency, and comprehension.

By incorporating these diverse reading strategies into instruction, educators can meet the diverse needs and learning styles of students, fostering deeper understanding, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of reading.

Check out these strategies for supporting students with special needs.

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Meet the author:

Nina Jaiswal, an Educational Consultant and former Superintendent of Education, offers valuable insights for educators, both experienced and new. As an expert witness in school liability, discipline matters, compliance, and policy, her perspective is essential for understanding the complexities of education. In addition to consultancy, Nina dedicates her expertise to coaching staff at all levels, focusing on career growth, promotion preparation, leadership development, and competency strengthening in educational matters.

With over 13 years on the Accreditation Review Panel for the Ontario College of Teachers and a history of teaching at the University of Toronto and York University, Nina's voice is grounded in extensive experience. She has significantly contributed to professional learning at the Ontario Public Supervisory Officers’ Association (OPSOA) and served as a coach for the Ontario Principals' Council. Recognized for impactful partnerships with community agencies and families, Nina is a driving force behind fostering public confidence and elevating student achievement.  

Nina's writing is an indispensable resource for anyone eager to delve into the dynamic world of education.

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