Expiration Date: |
Mar 06, 2025
The first Canadian international school in Hong Kong.
In 1987, Dr. Henry Cheng, founding School Supervisor, established Delia School of Canada (DSC) in Taikoo Shing to serve the growing education needs of the Hong Kong community. DSC was the first Canadian curriculum school in Hong Kong, offering a truly international education.
The School opened with an initial enrolment of 40 students and quickly became a successful through-train school (Early Years, Primary and Secondary) offering the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with an enrolment of over 1000 students.
In 1989, DSC’s first Grade 12 graduates received offers from universities around the globe, and therefore meeting the School’s mission of providing excellent education leading to global pathways to universities. In 2001, DSC saw the first graduates cross the stage who attended DSC from Pre-Grade 1 to Grade 12. Today, DSC is proud to see many students pursuing studies in the arts, sciences, engineering, business, and social sciences in the top 50 universities around the world.
In 2001, DSC was one of the first schools to introduce technology in the classroom. In 2003, the School set up a campus wide WiFi network, rolled out the first 1:1 laptop program in Hong Kong, and has since continued the infusion of technology into all curriculum areas. DSC’s early adoption of the 21st century learning tools ensured that all students had opportunities to develop digital literacy skills to be successful.
In 2006, DSC joined the International School Sports Federation of Hong Kong (ISSFKH) to ensure that our student athletes had an arena to develop sports and leadership skills while leading DSC to success. In 2007, DSC won its first ever pennant and was awarded the U20 Boys Cross Country Championship. Since then, DSC has won 12 pennants in a variety of sports including cross country, volleyball, basketball, ball hockey, and ultimate frisbee. DSC students and graduates have gone on to participate in professional and amateur sports at the international level in Cricket, Sailing, Golf, and Rugby.
In 2011, DSC began the process of integrating STEAM education into all grades. This blended perfectly with the inquiry-based approach to teaching and learning with a focus on collaboration, creation, and project-based learning. With a focus on continuous professional growth, DSC’s teachers embody a philosophy of life-long learners who share their expertise with students and colleagues around the globe.
Understanding the integral connection between student success and student wellbeing, DSC launched an Elementary House Program in 2017 with the vision of ensuring that all students entering DSC instantly connected with the community and other students. In 2020, DSC embarked on a Partnership with McGill University in Mental Health Education Programs in Asia. These workshops, seminars, and teaching strategies/tools focus on student and staff wellbeing, mental health, and success.
In 2021, the School initiated a 3-year strategic development initiative that involved consultation with staff, parents, and students. DSC’s plan ensured the school remained connected to our past while also preparing for future success. DSC added “International” to the School’s name becoming DSC International School, and updated its vision and mission statements to reflect our modern all rounded and balanced curriculum that leads to successful university pathways. As part of this new strategic plan, DSC is in the process of improving teaching and learning spaces such as the Creativity and Innovation Hub (2021-22), the Elementary Centre of the Arts (2022-23), and a modernized school courtyard and playground (2022-23).
For 35 years, DSC has been known for offering a balanced whole-child education by developing a love of learning and by developing students’ social, emotional, intellectual, and physical intelligence. DSC offers highly individualized programs for students as they prepare for post-secondary studies. Annually, 100 % of DSC graduates are offered places at universities in Canada, the UK, Australia, US, Japan, and Hong Kong.
Expiration Date: |
Mar 06, 2025