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Making the Most of Your Time Off As An International Teacher

Making the Most of Your Time Off As An International Teacher

Fueling Your Wanderlust

Hands down, one of the best perks of teaching abroad is the opportunity to travel and experience other cultures. If you’re reading this, you most likely have a case of the travel bug and that’s why you’re seeking employment abroad in the first place. As a teacher, you (typically) have breaks throughout the year and what better way to spend it, than exploring a new part of the world? 

Personal Experience

I’ve only taught in 5 different countries, but I’ve been to over 40. If you’re anything like me, you will be headed out of town (or even the country) every chance you get. Travel opportunities vary globally so take the time to do some research. Make sure your country of choice will provide you with the vacation experiences you’re looking for. When I lived in the Netherlands, it was so easy and relatively affordable to travel around the country and to other parts of Europe. In Saudi Arabia on the other hand, it was extremely difficult to travel as a single woman. During my 2 years there, I only visited one other city. I did have the chance to fly to a few neighbouring countries, but to do so, I needed a special exit/re-entry visa that allowed me to leave and return (not to mention the carbon footprint of flying somewhere for a weekend). I worked in Botswana for 2 years and had many unforgettable travel experiences. That being said, the country is very big and has limited public transportation meaning the only way to tour around was with a private 4X4 vehicle which isn’t feasible for everyone. Find out about places to visit within the country, the cost of land or air travel, visa costs (if any) for neighbouring countries, distances, and the cost to travel home. 

African elephant drinking water beside a small river

Off The Beaten Path

Consider your priorities and see what’s out there. Being informed before you go will ensure you can make the most of your experience. When you live in a country, you have the opportunity to get to know a place beyond the capital city and tourist hotspots. Seize the chance and dive deeper to find those hidden gems.

Teaching abroad can be an incredible experience for both your career and your personal life. Do the research and take time to find a job and country that’s right for you. Good luck and happy teaching!

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Meet the author:

Tiana Bogaert is the brilliant mind behind our international teaching articles. Coming from Ontario and trained in primary/junior education, Tiana infuses her writing with a rich tapestry of firsthand experiences. With a teaching portfolio spanning five countries and volunteer roles in three more, she brings a unique global perspective to her insightful articles. Tiana is an educator and a seasoned traveler with over 50 countries under her belt, sharing her vast experiences abroad into the fabric of her writing. Join Tiana in this series as she invites you to explore the process of finding your own intersection of teaching and travel.

Have more questions about teaching abroad? Send your questions to Tiana at

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